2015 Golf Outing and Auction
Event Date: August 1, 2015What a weekend!!!
Once again, the Annual Kali’s Cure Golf Outing weekend went off without a hitch! Each year, we are overwhelmed by the generosity and dedication of our countless Kali’s Cure supporters. Thanks to so many loyal friends as well as those new to the cause, we witnessed one of the liveliest auctions to date, raising $66,000! When all was said and done, we wrapped up the event having raised $250,000 to assist with spinal cord research and rehab as we await an ever nearing cure! Although it is exhilarating to be well on our way to accomplishing our 10 year, $2Million goal, this event was very exciting as we hit a special milestone.
As everyone knows, Kali’s Cure made its first ever donation in 2008 to Dr. Raymond Onders and his Diaphragmatic Pacing Program (DPP). 8 years later, having assisted Dr. Onders in gaining FDA approval for pacer use in children, we are still honored to support this life saving program! In fact, we kicked off the weekend by presenting Dr. Onders with another contribution that marked over ½ million dollars donated to this program alone, setting the tone for the rest of the weekend!